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JavaScript client library

The nft.storage JavaScript package is a small and easy-to-use library that can have your JavaScript or TypeScript project integrated with NFT.Storage in minutes.

The JavaScript client uses the HTTP API to send your data to the NFT.Storage service as a collection of Content Archives (CARs). Encoding data into CARs locally allows you to send files that would otherwise be too large to fit within the API's size limits, as the client will automatically split large CARs into smaller pieces and the service will re-assemble them once they are all received.

Encoding the data locally has another benefit of reducing the trust required of the NFT.Storage service. By calculating all of the Content Identifiers (CIDs) for your data yourself, you can make sure that the data you send is exactly what gets provided to the network. Any alteration of your data by the NFT.Storage service or a third party "monster in the middle" would result in a different CID, which the client will reject as an error.

This guide will cover the basics of creating a client object, as well as the most common and useful operations. For more details, see the complete client API documentation. For less, see the Quickstart guide!

Installation and importing

The nft.storage NPM package can be added to your project with your favorite JS dependency manager:

npm install nft.storage

How you import the client into your code will depend on whether your project uses ES Modules or the CommonJS require syntax:

import { NFTStorage } from 'nft.storage'

Additional imports for Node.js

The client API works with File and Blob objects that are built-in to the JavaScript runtimes on browsers but are not included in the standard library for Node.js. You can import API-compatible File and Blob objects from the nft.storage package, which will work on both Node and in the browser:

import { NFTStorage, File, Blob } from 'nft.storage'

Creating a client object

To create an NFTStorage client object, you'll need an NFT.Storage API token. If you don't have one yet, head to the Quickstart guide to learn more.

const NFT_STORAGE_TOKEN = 'your-api-token'
const client = new NFTStorage({ token: NFT_STORAGE_TOKEN })

Storing data

There are a few methods available for storing data.

store - store ERC1155 NFT data

For NFTs that follow the ERC-1155 metadata specification, the store method provides a convenient way to upload your NFT assets (images, etc) in the same operation as your metadata, with the client taking care of the details of linking from the metadata to the assets.

const imageFile = new File([ someBinaryImageData ], 'nft.png', { type: 'image/png' })
const metadata = await client.store({
name: 'My sweet NFT',
description: 'Just try to funge it. You can\'t do it.',
image: imageFile

For more details, see the guide to storing ERC-1155 NFTs.

storeBlob - store a single binary data object

The storeBlob method takes a single Blob of binary data and stores it with NFT.Storage, returning the CID asynchronously. Note that files stored in this manner will not have human-readable filenames stored on IPFS and must be fetched directly by CID.

const someData = new Blob(["hello world"])
const cid = await client.storeBlob(someData)

storeDirectory - store a collection of files

The storeDirectory method takes a collection of one or more File objects and stores them in an IPFS directory listing. You can create a directory structure by using / characters in the filenames to delimit directories.

const readmeFile = new File('Run node src/index.js for a friendly greeting.', 'README.txt', { type: 'text/plain' })
const sourceFile = new File('console.log("hello, world")', 'src/index.js', { type: 'text/javascript' })
const cid = await client.storeDirectory([readmeFile, sourcefile])

The CID returned by the storeDirectory method will resolve to an IPFS directory object containg the stored files. In the case of the example above, the contents would be a file named README.txt and a subdirectory named src that contains an index.js file.

storeCar - store a Content Archive (CAR)

The storeCar method stores a Content Archive (CAR) of content-addressed data, returning the root CID of the archive.

One of the simplest ways to create a CAR is using the encodeBlob and encodeDirectory static methods of the NFTStorage class. For other options, see the guide to CAR files.

const someData = new Blob(["hello world"])
const { car } = await NFTStorage.encodeBlob(someData)
const cid = await client.storeCar(car)

Deleting an upload from your account

The delete method can remove uploaded data from your account, however it's important to understand that this does not guarantee that the data will be removed from the decentralized storage networks used by NFT.Storage.

The entry for the data will be removed from your account's file listing page, and the NFT.Storage service may stop providing the data to the IPFS network and managing Filecoin storage deals. However, any peers in the storage networks who have obtained a copy of the data may continue to store it and may continue to provide the data to the network at their discretion.

API reference

Full API reference documentation.